
Contact & Directions

Pilgrim's Oak Golf Course
1107 Pilgrims Pathway
Peach Bottom, PA 17563

Tel: (717) 548-3011
Fax: (717) 548-0105

Hours of Operation:
Golf Shop:  7am-5:30pm
Office:  8am - 5pm

Click on a contact below for more info and an email contact form:

Name Position Phone
Golf Shop Call or Email Us! (717) 548-3011
Pete Trimble General Manager (717) 548-3011

Map & Directions

Located South of Lancaster, PA, and just a short drive from Philadelphia, PA & Baltimore, MD.

From Philadelphia, PA

Follow Route 1 South until you reach the last exit in PA, which will be the Nottingham exit route 272 N. Follow 272 N for approximately 10 miles. At this point turn right onto 272N/222N. The two roads will run together for about 1/2 mile. When they split, bare to the left staying on 272N. Go 1 and 1/2 miles and turn left onto Pilgrim's Pathway.

From Baltimore, MD

Follow 95 North to the Havre De Grace Exit. This will be route 155. Turn left onto 155. Follow for about 2 miles and then turn right onto 161. Follow 161 for approximately 5-10 miles until you intersect with route 1. Turn right onto Route 1 North. Cross the Conowingo Dam. Shortly after crossing the dam, turn left onto route 222 N. Follow 222 N for about 10 miles. At this point turn 222 N will join in with 272 N. The two roads will run together for about 1/2 mile. When they split, bare to the left staying on 272N. Go 1 and 1/2 miles and turn left onto Pilgrim's Pathway.